Jackie Perry

Jackie Hill Perry es escritora, poeta y artista y su trabajo ha sido destacado en el Washington Times, el club 700, Deseando a Dios (Desiring God), Coalición por el evangelio (The Gospel Coalition) entre otros. Desde que se convirtió en cristiana en el 2008, ha sentido el deseo de usar sus dones de hablar y enseñar para compartir la luz del evangelio de Dios de la forma mas auténtica posible. En casa, es esposa de Preston y mamá de Eden y Autumn. Jackie Hill Perry is a writer, poet, and artist whose work has been featured on the Washington Times, The 700 Club, Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, and other publications. Since becoming a Christian in 2008, she has been compelled to use her speaking and teaching gifts to share the light of the gospel of God as authentically as she can. At home she is a wife to Preston and Mommy to Eden and Autumn.