Published in four volumes, On the Resurrection serves as Gary R. Habermas’s magnum opus – a comprehensive defense of the authenticity of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, built from Habermas’s lifetime of scholarly study.
In the third volume, Habermas identifies and collects hundreds of scholarly treatments related to the resurrection. Spanning both believers and nonbelievers, the collection provides a strong overview of everything that has been written about the resurrection and its impacts.
The volume includes summaries of scholarly sources covering:
- The nature of historical research and New Testament preliminaries
- Facts about Jesus’s existence, minimal historical facts of the Resurrection, and other known historical facts
- Critiques and questions surrounding the Gospel accounts
- Alternative theories and responses
- Scholars commenting on other scholars and trends
- How the resurrection impacts theology
On the Resurrection, Volume 3: Scholarly Perspectives offers a thorough “lay of the land” for anyone wanting to pursue an in-depth study Jesus of Nazareth’s resurrection.
Table of Contents
Extended Table of Contents
Ancient Sources Abbreviation List
Introduction to Volume 3: Scholarly Perspectives
I. Historical Research and New Testament Preliminaries
II. Jesus: The Preliminaries
III. Minimal Historical Facts
IV. Other Known Historical Facts
V. Questions from the Gospels
VI. Alternative Theories
VII. Responses to Alternative Theories
VIII. Scholars Comment on Other Scholars and Trends
IX. Bodily Nature of Resurrection
X. Moving from Resurrection to Theology
Author Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index