Ancient Sources Abbreviations List
Introduction: The Task Ahead
Part 1: The Nature of Historical Research
1. Philosophy of History
2. Historiography: The Tools and Rules of the Discipline
3. Historical Postmodernism
4. The Minimal Historical Facts about Jesus
5. Listing the Minimal Historical Facts
Part 2: Jesus: The Preliminaries
6. The Existence of Jesus
7. A Definition of Miracle
8. Jesus the Healer
Part 3: The Minimal Historical Facts
9. Minimal Fact 1: Jesus’s Death
Excursus 1: Jesus’s Death and Contemporary Scholarship
10. Minimal Fact 2: The Disciples’ Experiences
11. Minimal Fact 3: The Earliest Proclamation of the Gospel
Excursus 2: The Early Creedal Traditions
12. Minimal Fact 4: The Disciples’ Transformations
13. Minimal Fact 5: The Conversion of James
14. Minimal Fact 6: The Conversion of Paul
Part 4: The Other Six Known Historical Facts
15. The Empty Tomb
16. Jesus’s Burial
17. The Last Four Known Facts
Part 5: The Gospel Resurrection Data
18. The Gospels and Resurrection Testimony
19. The Gospel of Mark
20. The Gospel of Matthew
21. The Gospel of Luke
22. The Gospel of John
23. Acts 1:1–11
24. Noncanonical Christian Authors (AD 95–160)
Conclusion: From the Disciples’ Experiences to Real Appearances
Appendix 1: Evidential Near-Death Experiences
Appendix 2: Outlined Data in Favor of the Minimal Facts
Appendix 3: Outlined Data in Favor of the Second Six Known/Accepted Non-Minimal Facts Data
Author Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index